How Do We Make The 1st Amendment Fit The 21st Century? Wednesday, February 12 by Nick Hearne Freedom of speech can be interpreted on may different levels. While it allows us in the United States to "speak our minds", gone are...
The Zola Initiative: Helping Veterans With Information, Education And Awareness! Friday, January 31 by Nick Hearne Those who are in the military face some of the most horrific experiences on planet Earth. We're not talking about the time they serve...
Control, Clean & Cure – Could The Swiss Solution To The Opioid Crisis Work On U.S. Soil? Thursday, December 19 by Nick Hearne It's hard to think anyone would argue that the United States isn't suffering from an out of control opioid crisis. This plague...
Time To Make Global Polluters Accountable! Friday, November 22 by Nick Hearne We can all agree that pollution is an issue that needs to be addressed. More importantly, it's an issue that needs accountability...
The Abortion Debate Friday, July 12 by Nick Hearne Ready to have the hair stand up on the back of your neck? Ready? Let's talk about ABORTION. It's a hot topic....
The Solution to Panhandling Is… Friday, July 5 by Nick Hearne You've seen them - standing on the corner of an intersection - at the to of an off ramp. They've in cities...
Gun Control… Should It Start With Our Kids? Friday, June 28 by Nick Hearne Guns are a tool. They, like any other tool, require instruction, goal-setting and training. Hmm, doesn't that sound like something that should...
How Do We Teach Civilians How to Be Civil Again? Wednesday, April 24 by 2guystalking You may have noticed something interesting recently - someone may have just been NICE to you, or showed a semblance of kindness...
YouTubery/Dummy Code Extravaganza – Volume 1 Friday, April 5 by 2guystalking Each week when we record a new program, that are ALWAYS extra YouTubery and Dummy Code segments left over. As our library...
A 4-Year-Old Cannot Assign Their Own Sex – Let’s Talk About It… Tuesday, February 26 by 2guystalking In the last decade plus, there has been a movement to change the way families are seen and experienced. It has nothing...
How Do We End The SJW Generation? Saturday, February 2 by 2guystalking What IS a Social Justice Warrior? How can they be communicated with? What impact do they have on our current culture? More...
How Do We Rebuild Urban America? Wednesday, January 2 by 2guystalking If you look at just about any city in America today, we can all ask ourselves one question and begin postulating change:...