Terminator 2 Judgment Day (1991) – A Perspective Review Thursday, August 29 by 2guystalking August 29th of each year is a very special day. A day when all things end, and begin anew after the machines become self-aware...
Writers Room: Horror Comic Pitches Wednesday, October 28 by Nick Hearne Being a fan of pop culture entertainment comes with a certain amount of healthy debate on some topics. Who would win in a fight...Superman...
Monster Magazines…Then & Now! Saturday, August 17 by Nick Hearne Imagine, if you will, a world without the internet. Where information on your favorite horror films and monsters was NOT right at your fingertips....
Season 6, Episode 5 “The Other Thing” – Reviewed! Monday, June 17 by Nick Hearne When you're sick, finding out what's wrong and then - finding a way to feel better is a priority. What happens when - what...