Gravity isn’t just what’s responsible for bringing you “down” - it’s the literal centerpiece to this episode of The Agents of SHIELD - Season... Read More.
The threads that connect our SHIELD Team have created a bond that is - delicious. From initial introduction to twists and turns, the connective... Read More.
We all have that “drawer” in the kitchen, our offices, or even our podcast studios where things - accumulate. Inside this most-recent episode of... Read More.
The pieces of science fiction that travel throughout the Marvel Universe continue to GROW. What was a program about Superheroes on Earth is quickly embiggening... Read More.
The mind is an incredibly powerful tool. The ability to conceive of great achievements. To invent incredible technology. The ability to generate layered storytelling... Read More.
How many programs on television do you know of, that dig DEEP? Deep into rich story that features specialized metal elements, characters of all... Read More.
The 100th episode of any televised program traditionally signals - THE END. Inside this episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, Season 5, Episode 12,... Read More.